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How To Get Shine Back On Epoxy Floor

How To Get Shine Back On Epoxy Floor

Epoxy floors are renowned for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and versatility, making them popular for a wide range of spaces, from industrial facilities to residential homes. Explore our collection page to discover our range of epoxy flooring solutions, perfect for achieving durability and aesthetic appeal.


To restore shine to epoxy floors, hose with hot water, squeegee dry annually, and use an all-purpose cleaner for spots, wiping with a soft cloth.


In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essential steps for restoring shine to epoxy floors and maintenance tips to ensure long-lasting beauty and performance. This article will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you achieve optimal results.

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What Is Epoxy Floors


Epoxy floors are flooring made from epoxy resin and a hardening agent. When mixed, they create a strong, durable, and glossy surface commonly used in industrial and commercial settings and in residential garages and basements.

Advantages of epoxy flooring

Before we delve into detail, let's highlight a few advantages of epoxy flooring.


  • Durability: Epoxy floors are highly resistant to scratches, stains, chemicals, and heavy impact, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.
  • Easy to clean: The smooth surface of epoxy floors makes them easy to clean with just soap and water, reducing maintenance efforts.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Epoxy floors come in various colors and finishes, allowing customization to suit any space. Additionally, their glossy appearance can enhance the overall look of a room.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Epoxy flooring is relatively affordable compared to other options, especially considering its long lifespan and low maintenance requirements.

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Common causes of loss of shine on epoxy floors

Let's explore why epoxy floors might lose their shine. It could be due to heavy foot traffic, exposure to sunlight, or using harsh cleaning chemicals.


  • Heavy foot traffic: Over time, constant walking or moving heavy objects on epoxy floors can wear down the surface, resulting in a loss of shine.
  • Exposure to sunlight: UV rays from sunlight can cause epoxy floors to fade and lose their glossy finish over time.
  • Harsh cleaning chemicals: Certain cleaning products containing harsh chemicals can damage the epoxy surface, leading to a dull appearance.
  • Improper maintenance: Neglecting regular cleaning and maintenance routines can accumulate dirt, grime, and stains, diminishing the shine of epoxy floors.

Pre-Restoration Preparation


Let's prepare to restore shine to your epoxy floor by preparing it step by step. Here's what you need to do before diving into the restoration process.

Clean the floor

Begin by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose debris. Then, wash the floor with appropriate cleaners to eliminate dirt, grease, and other residues that could interfere with restoration.

Remove stains and blemishes

Use specialized cleaners or degreasers to address any stubborn or scratches on the floor's surface. This step helps create a clean canvas for the restoration products to adhere to.

Assess the floor's condition

Inspect the floor for any cracks, chips, or areas of damage that may require repair before proceeding with restoration. Identifying and addressing these issues early on will ensure a smoother and more successful restoration process.


Below, I'm providing you with YouTube videos related to this topic, hoping it will make it easier for you and provide you with additional information.

Restoring Shine to Epoxy Floors

Restoring the shine to your epoxy floor requires careful steps and the right products. Here's what you need to know:

Choose the right products

  • Epoxy floor sealers: Select a high-quality epoxy floor sealer suitable for your floor type and desired level of shine.
  • Polishers and buffers: Invest in appropriate polishers and buffers to effectively restore the glossy finish of your epoxy floor.

Follow these steps for the application

  • Patch any damaged areas: Before applying the sealer, ensure the floor surface is smooth by patching any cracks or damaged areas.
  • Apply the sealer: Use a roller or sprayer to apply the epoxy floor sealer evenly across the entire surface. Follow manufacturer instructions for the best results.
  • Buff the floor: Use a polisher or buffer to remove the shine once the sealer has dried. Move the machine in a steady, overlapping motion to achieve uniform results.

Prioritize safety precautions

  • Ensure proper ventilation: Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from the sealer and other chemicals used during restoration.
  • Wear personal protective equipment (PPE): Wear gloves, safety goggles, and a mask to protect yourself from exposure to chemicals and airborne particles. Safety should always come first during any restoration project.

Maintenance Tips for Long-lasting Shine


Maintaining the shine of your epoxy floor is essential for its longevity and aesthetic appeal. Here are some tips to help you keep your floor looking its best:

1. Regular cleaning routine

Establish a consistent cleaning schedule to remove dirt, dust, and debris from the surface of your epoxy floor. Sweep or vacuum daily to prevent buildup that can dull the shine over time.

2. Use gentle cleaners

Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the epoxy surface. Instead, opt for mild cleaners and pH-neutral solutions when mopping the floor. Rinse thoroughly with water afterwards to remove any residue.

3. Avoid abrasive materials

Avoid abrasive tools such as steel wool or stiff brushes when cleaning your epoxy floor, as they can scratch the surface and diminish its shine. Stick to soft-bristled brushes or microfiber mops to maintain the glossy finish.

4. Address spills promptly

Spills should be cleaned up immediately to prevent staining or etching of the epoxy surface. Use a damp cloth or mop to blot up spills and avoid spreading them further across the floor.

5. Periodic reapplication of sealant

Over time, the protective sealant on your epoxy floor may wear down, leaving it vulnerable to damage and dullness. Consider reapplying a fresh coat of sealant every few years to maintain its shine and durability.

6. Protect high-traffic areas

Place mats or rugs in heavy foot traffic areas to minimize wear and tear on your epoxy floor. This will help preserve its shine and extend its lifespan in those areas.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, issues may arise with your epoxy floor despite your best efforts. Here are some common problems and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Uneven shine

If your epoxy floor has areas with uneven shine, it could be due to improper sealer application or uneven drying. To fix this, you may need to reapply the sealer, ensuring an even coat and allowing it to dry completely before buffing.

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2. Flaking or peeling

Flaking or peeling can occur if the epoxy is not applied correctly or the surface needs to be adequately prepared beforehand. To address this issue, remove the flaking or peeling areas with a scraper or sander, then clean and reapply the epoxy according to manufacturer instructions.

3. Yellowing of the epoxy

Over time, exposure to UV light can cause epoxy floors to turn yellow. To prevent this, consider applying a UV-resistant topcoat or sealant. If yellowing has already occurred, you may need to sand down the affected areas and reapply a clear epoxy coating to restore the floor's appearance.

4. Surface scratches

While epoxy floors are highly durable, they can still become scratched, especially in high-traffic areas. Avoid dragging heavy objects across the floor to minimise surface scratches, and use furniture pads or protective mats. For minor scratches, you can buff them out with a fine-grit sandpaper or polishing compound.

5. Moisture issues

Excessive moisture can cause epoxy floors to bubble or delaminate. Ensure proper ventilation in the area and address any underlying moisture issues, such as leaks or condensation. If the damage is extensive, you may need to remove and replace the affected floor sections.



1. How do I know if my epoxy floor needs restoration?

Signs such as loss of shine, scratches, stains, or areas of damage indicate the need for restoration.

2. What types of cleaners are safe to use on epoxy floors?

pH-neutral cleaners or mild detergents are safe options. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the epoxy surface.

3. What is the recommended frequency for reapplying sealant on epoxy floors?

Sealants should typically be reapplied every 2-3 years to maintain the floor's protective layer and shine.

4. How can I prevent the yellowing of my epoxy floor?

Use a UV-resistant topcoat or sealant to protect the epoxy floor from the effects of sunlight and prevent yellowing.

5. What should I do if my epoxy floor develops bubbles or delamination?

Address the underlying moisture issue and repair the affected areas by removing the damaged epoxy and applying a new coat.

In conclusion

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the floor annually with hot water, squeegeeing, and using an all-purpose cleaner for spots, followed by wiping with a soft cloth, can effectively restore shine to epoxy floors and ensure their long-lasting beauty and durability.


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